I am Reader in Logic at King's College London. I obtained my DPhil from the University of Oxford. Before King's, I was in Munich (MCMP) with a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship, and in Utrecht with a VENI (NWO) grant. My research mostly focuses on the logic and the nature of the notions of truth, consequence, predication, implicit commitment in mathematics. A fairly comprehensive CV can be found here.
Since January 2022, I was the Principal Investigator of the AHRC Starting Grant: Properties, Paradox, and Circularity. A New Type-Free Account. The Co-Investigator will be Salvatore Florio. The project aims to revive the type-free approach to intensional entities.
I am member of the London Group for Formal Philosophy.
I am Associate Editor of the Journal of Logic, Language, and Information and of the Journal for the Philosophy of Mathematics.
E-mail: carlonicolai6@gmail.com; carlo.nicolai@kcl.ac.uk
Mail: Department of Philosophy, Room E4, North Wing, Strand Campus, London WC2R 2LS.