Carlo Nicolai



Some Remarks on Classical Determinate Truth
FOMTIC, Warsaw, April 11, 2023.

Nonclassical Power
Truth, Vagueness, and Indeterminacy Workshop, December 1st, 2023.

Isaacsonian Syntax
Fifth New College Logic Meeting, September 20th, 2023.

Internal and External Theories
British Logic Colloquium, Bristol, September 10th, 2023.

Non Well-founded Properties
British Logic Colloquium, Bristol, September 9th, 2023.

ESSLI Summer School: Formal Theories of Properties (with Salvatore Florio)
University of Ljubljana, 31/07-4/08/23.

Non Well-founded Properties
Bloomington, Indiana, June 14th, 2023.

On Internal Theories
University of Warsaw, May 24th, 2023.

Comments on "One True Logic", but O. Griffiths and A.C. Paseau
University College London, January 9, 2023.

Property Theory and Non-Well-Founded Structures
University of Konstanz, December 9, 2022.

Graph Conceptions of Properties
Philosophy of Mathematics Seminar, Oxford, October 17, 2022.

Cuts and Truths
Workshop on Proof and Formalization, Utrecht, September 21, 2022.

Three Problems in Mathematical Philosophy
Workshop in Logic and the Philosophy of Mathematics, Pisa, September 16, 2022.

Logical Frameworks for Acceptance and Commtiment in Mathematics
Summer School in the Philosophy of Mathematics, Konstanz, September 8, 2022.

Reflection Principles and Nonclassical Truth
Understanding Reflection, Munich, LMU, June 21, 2022.

Modalized T-Schemata,
X Workshop in Philosophical Logic (BA Logic Group), August 20, 2021.

Inexhaustibility and Implicit Commitment,
Celebrating 90 Years of Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems, July 9, 2021.

A New Look at Cut-Elimination for Compositional Truth,
Gothenburg Logic Seminar, March 26, 2021.

Conservativity of Truth via Free-Cut Elimination,
Epistemic and Semantic Commitment Seminar, Warsaw, February 26, 2021.

A Theory of Implicit Commitment,
Konstanz, February 12, 2021.

Conservativity for Compositional Truth via Free-Cut Elimination,
Logic Supergroup Talk,
December 11, 2021.

The Modal Logics of Kripke-Feferman Truth,
Warsaw Seminar on Semantic and Epistemic Commitment,
December 4, 2020. Slides.

How to Adopt a Logic,
CUNY Seminar on The Adoption Problem and the Epistemology of Logic,
November 4, 2020. Slides.

Epistemic Stability and Committment in Mathematical Theories.
KCL Staff Seminar, 13/11/2019.

Paradox and Conceptual Structure II.
"Seminari della Classe di Lettere e Filosofia", Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore, June 27, 2019.

Paradox and Conceptual Structure I.
"Seminari della Classe di Lettere e Filosofia", Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore, June 26, 2019.

The Phonological Conundrum in Formal Theories of Truth and Modalities.
"The Phonological Conundrum", Jerusalem, Hebrew University, June 5, 2019.

The least of all evils.
"Truth and Semantics Kick-Off Workshop", May 3, 2019.

Fix, Express, Quantify. Disquotation after its logic.
Bristol Philosophy Seminar, May 2, 2019.

Semantic closure and the restriction of initial sequents.
Salzburg, "Axiomatizing Metatheory. Truth, Provability, and beyond", December 7, 2018.

Proof Theory in Philosophy.
Ghent, "Summer School in Proof Theory", September 2, 2018.

On adopting and revising logical principles: can we and should we?.
Pavia (IUSS), "Epistemology of Logic and Mathematics Seminar", June 12, 2018.

On the Adoption Problem.
Utrecht, "TP Colloquium", January 30, 2018.

The four pillars of deflationism and their logic.
Salzburg, "New Perspectives on Truth and Deflationism", January 26, 2018.

Substructural approaches to paradox and the logic of semantic groundedness.
Tübingen, "Logic Colloquium", December 12, 2017.

Intensional paradoxes and the maxim of maximal recapture.
Amsterdam, "DIP Colloquium", November 17, 2017.

Modalizing Full Disquotation.
Warsaw, "Workshop on Formal Theories of Truth", September 28, 2017.

Properties, Instantiation, and Paradox.
Munich, "The structure of modal and semantic reasoning", 29 June, 2017.

Abductivism and the standard for logical revision.
Bologna, "3rd SILFS Meeting", 23 June 2017.

Conceptual foundations: from semigroups to predicative analysis via reflection.
Chieti, "Proof-Theory Afternoon", April 11, 2017.

A unified approach to truth and implication (with L. Rossi).
Oxford, "Fourth New College Meeting", March 11, 2017.

What can we learn from reflecting on truth?
Bristol, "Foundational Studies Seminar", March 8 2017.

Logical pluralism and abductive methodology: a case from semantics.
Utrecht, TF-Seminar, March 3 2017.

Truth has to live up to its task.
"Non-classical solutions to the paradoxes", Munich, February 27, 2017.

Mail: Department of Philosophy, Room 602 Philosophy Building, Strand Campus, London WC2R 2LS.